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dc.contributor Jiménez Contreras, Edith Adriana
dc.contributor Díaz Rebolledo, José Ángel
dc.contributor Colorado Estrada, Alberto Santiago, Javier Galicia, Alexander Flores, Miguel Campos Martínez, Joceline Luisa Emilia Ortega Pérez, Cynthia Itzel Velázquez Alemán, David Alfonso Sánchez Moreno, Emmanuel Sánchez Sánchez, Mary Carmen Jiménez Contreras, Edith Adriana Ceron Monroy, Hazael Rampirez García, Joel Miranda Elizarraraz, Bruno Guzmán Arenas, Adolfo Reyes Bonilla, Jorge Arturo Dorantes Villa, Claudia Jisela 2018-02-22T17:55:33Z 2018-02-22T17:55:33Z 17-03-31
dc.identifier.isbn 978-607-8324-84-2
dc.description This work is intended to be of support and utility for the Ministry of Tourism in Mexico, so that they can build a future SWOT evaluation of tourist destinations. As well, for those who are interested in areas related to the topics presented in this handbook.It presents the development of incorporate indicators of the Priority Tourist Destinations and Magic Towns of Mexico, derived from Sectorial Project 242853 called Development of Information Systems for the Management of the Tourist Destinations of Mexico, where the analysis of the Project is detailed, until the Achievement of the technological innovation generated, through an Information System. es
dc.description.abstract Mexico is a country which has as one of its strengths, cultural and natural resources in each of its states, municipalities and localities. Customs, traditions, gastronomy, ceremonial centers, archeological zones, waterfalls, the abundance in flora and fauna; so describe each of its wonders. These resources require laws and regulations to protect and maintain them, to improve infrastructure, to be sustainable, and attractive to national and international tourism without being damaged or that the inhabitants of those places are benefited by the generation of jobs, social security among others. Balancing all the factors involved is an arduous task and requires studies such as those carried out by various governmental and educational institutions, the private sector among others. In the next work to be published called "Compendium of tourist indicators of priority tourist destinations and magical towns", the analysis of variables and indicators of Priority Tourist Destinations is analyzed, taking as reference various guidelines, standards and information sources as The National Development Plan (NDP) 2013-2018, Tourism Sector Program 2013-2018 (TSP), Identification of Tourism Potentials in Regions and Municipalities (Fascicle 8), Competitiveness Agendas of Mexico's Tourist Destinations, (IMCO), the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Alliance for Excellence in Tourism (EXCELTUR), ITESM, the Guide for Incorporation and Permanence of the Magic Towns of the Tourism Secretaríat (Sectur) with the analysis for the automation of the evaluation of the Magic Towns, INEGI, DATATUR, DENUE among others. As a result of this in-depth analysis, we reach a concentration of 2610 indicators, which are found in an indicator matrix, which can be structured in a hierarchy with a level three depth (Component, subcomponent, factor and indicator). It is necessary to reduce these indicators, so that they identify and select those that have the greatest impact on the observation of tourism development of the destination, taking into account the sustainability, competitiveness, potential and tourism performance of priority tourist destinations and magic towns. The selection of these indicators is done with an affinity diagram or K-J method (Kawakita Jiro), which allows SWOT analysis of the CAs of priority tourist destinations and magic towns and the matrix of the 2610 indicators. This work is intended to be of support and utility for the Ministry of Tourism in Mexico, so that they can build a future SWOT evaluation of tourist destinations. As well, for those who are interested in areas related to the topics presented in this handbook.It presents the development of incorporate indicators of the Priority Tourist Destinations and Magic Towns of Mexico, derived from Sectorial Project 242853 called Development of Information Systems for the Management of the Tourist Destinations of Mexico, where the analysis of the Project is detailed, until the Achievement of the technological innovation generated, through an Information System. es
dc.description.sponsorship CONACYT es
dc.language.iso eng es
dc.publisher ECORFAN es
dc.rights openAccess es
dc.rights es
dc.rights openAccess es
dc.rights es
dc.subject Pueblos Mágicos es
dc.subject Sistemas de Información es
dc.subject Agenda Competitiva es
dc.subject Minería de Datos es
dc.title Technological Development of Priority Tourist Destinations and Maging Towns es
dc.type Libro es
dc.provenance Científica es
dc.road Dorada es
dc.organismo Centro Universitario UAEM Texcoco es
dc.ambito Internacional es
dc.cve.CenCos 30401 es
dc.cve.progEstudios 38 es

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  • Título
  • Technological Development of Priority Tourist Destinations and Maging Towns
  • Autor
  • Santiago, Javier
  • Galicia, Alexander
  • Flores, Miguel
  • Campos Martínez, Joceline Luisa Emilia
  • Ortega Pérez, Cynthia Itzel
  • Velázquez Alemán, David Alfonso
  • Sánchez Moreno, Emmanuel
  • Sánchez Sánchez, Mary Carmen
  • Jiménez Contreras, Edith Adriana
  • Ceron Monroy, Hazael
  • Rampirez García, Joel
  • Miranda Elizarraraz, Bruno
  • Guzmán Arenas, Adolfo
  • Reyes Bonilla, Jorge Arturo
  • Dorantes Villa, Claudia Jisela
  • Director(es) de tesis, compilador(es) o coordinador(es)
  • Jiménez Contreras, Edith Adriana
  • Díaz Rebolledo, José Ángel
  • Colorado Estrada, Alberto
  • Fecha de publicación
  • 17-03-31
  • Editor
  • Tipo de documento
  • Libro
  • Palabras clave
  • Pueblos Mágicos
  • Sistemas de Información
  • Agenda Competitiva
  • Minería de Datos
  • Los documentos depositados en el Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México se encuentran a disposición en Acceso Abierto bajo la licencia Creative Commons: Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivar 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

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