Translation is the transfer of ideas written in a text from one language to another.
The act of translation is in our current society highly useful since it is the bridge which
allows communication of people from distinct cultures to be possible.
Another important aspect to mention is that in order to transmit ideas from one language
to another, a translator must be fluent in both languages. In addition to that, the
translator must be able to find the words or equivalents to convey the same sense in the
target language, task which is highly complex since no language or culture is alike;
therefore, knowledge of cultural issues is also greatly required.
Globalization and immigration have demanded a great need of translation, thus, the
study of languages has become more appealing to people over the years. On the other
hand, a translator must be capable of understanding language, its structure and how it
works. In order for he/she to do so a good knowledge of linguistics and its branches like
Syntax, Pragmatics, Semantics, etc. is undoubtedly required.