Mostrar el registro sencillo del objeto digital González Ronquillo, Manuel 2022-02-16T01:52:09Z 2022-02-16T01:52:09Z 2021-03
dc.identifier.isbn 21441
dc.description.abstract Eight lactating cows were fed 4 diets in which dietary crude protein (CP) was increased in steps of approximately 2 percentage units from 11 to 17% of DM by replacing high-moisture corn with soybean meal supplemented with rumen-protected Met to maintain a Lys: Met ratio of 3:1 in metabolizable protein. Trial design was a replicated 4 4 Latin square; experimental periods lasted 28 d, with data and sample collection being performed during wk 3 and 4 of each period. Digesta samples were collected from the rumen as well as the omasum to measure metabolite concentrations and ruminal outflow of N fractions using infusion of 15Nenriched ammonia to quantify microbial nonammonia N (NAN) and nonmicrobial NAN. Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS (SAS Institute Inc.). There were linear increases in the yields of milk and true protein and concentration of milk urea N, and a linear decrease in N efficiency, with increasing dietary CP. Apparent ruminal and total-tract N digestibility increased linearly with increasing dietary CP, but estimated true total-tract N digestibility was not affected. Apparent digestibility of the other macronutrients was not influenced by diet. Ruminal ammonia, total AA and peptides, and branched-chain VFA also increased linearly with dietary CP. The 15N enrichment of liquidand particle-associated microbes linearly declined with increasing dietary CP due to decreasing 15N enrichment of the ammonia pool. Although no effect of dietary CP on nonmicrobial NAN flow was detected, total NAN flow increased linearly from 525 g/d at 11% CP to 637 g/d at 17% CP due to the linear increase in microbial NAN flow from 406 g/d at 11% CP to 482 g/d at 17% CP. Under the conditions of this study, when dietary CP was increased by adding soybean meal supplemented with rumen-protected Met, improved milk and protein yields were driven not by RUP supply but by increased ruminal outflow of microbial protein. es
dc.language.iso eng es
dc.publisher Journal of Dairy Science es
dc.rights restrictedAccess es
dc.rights.uri es
dc.subject dietary crude protein es
dc.subject lysine: methionine ratio es
dc.subject omasal flow of microbial protein es
dc.title Effect of increasing dietary protein with constant lysine: methionine ratio on production and omasal flow of non ammonia nitrogen in lactating dairy cows es
dc.type Artículo es
dc.provenance Científica es
dc.road Dorada es
dc.organismo Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia es
dc.ambito Internacional es
dc.idInterno 2221

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  • Título
  • Effect of increasing dietary protein with constant lysine: methionine ratio on production and omasal flow of non ammonia nitrogen in lactating dairy cows
  • Autor
  • González Ronquillo, Manuel
  • Fecha de publicación
  • 2021-03
  • Editor
  • Journal of Dairy Science
  • Tipo de documento
  • Artículo
  • Palabras clave
  • dietary crude protein
  • lysine: methionine ratio
  • omasal flow of microbial protein
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